Case Studies

Pipeline Crossing Surveys

  • Client

    Fisher German


The Background

Storm Geomatics were tasked with tracing fuel pipelines for an international client at river crossing locations across the country from Gatwick to Bristol. The purpose of these surveys is to assess the state of a dynamic physical landscape around an economically and environmentally sensitive asset, to show that the assets are safely buried or dangerously suspended and that they are not at immediate risk of damage. So far, the surveys have had a variety of challenges including fast, varied water levels, steep unstable banks, and dense vegetation.

These topographic, pipe tracing and bank stability surveys were conducted on behalf of  Storm’s client Fisher German. The work undertaken spans 12 sites across 4 separate fuel pipelines, covering the South of England. Topographic surveys and pipe tracing were undertaken on the bank tops and the riverbed around the pipe crossing, this data helped produce cross sectional information at client specified locations. The survey purpose was to assess active erosion or deposition occurring within the site extent that may impact the covering depth or support structural integrity of the pipeline. Additionally, bank stability assessments were conducted to determine the bank make up to give an indication to its behavioural characteristics to predict failure likelihood and susceptibility to the erosive forces of the river.

Efficient data processing and accurate export was essential to ensure all efforts counted.


The Results

All work was completed to the latest Environment Agency specification (V5.0) whilst also creating bespoke deliverables for the client. All cross-section data was processed using Georiver® software. Georiver® is not limited to data processing and was also used to create data exports including XYZ data, CAD drawings and georeferenced photographs with bearings to meet client needs and specification.